Sept. 25, 2023

Just Do It!

Just Do It!

First and foremost, I would like to apologize to the people who have visited this site and have not seen any updates! I have been a victim of the very thing that I have preached against. I was looking at numbers, and based those on what I should be feeling. So in Lamen's terms, I was living off the applause so I figuratively died when they weren't there.

My message became convoluted because my focus was on the wrong thing. One day someone sent me a message and I never even checked it, but I happened to stumble upon it and the statement said, "Keep doing what you are doing, your words have blessed me." Those words spoke to me and pushed me to leave you with this:

It is okay to change within yourself! You don't have to be who you were last year, you don't have to be what your past dictates you to be! Sometimes the company you keep won't allow you to change because they are comfortable with that version of you!

You will be shocked by how quickly your life changes in your favor when you decide what you want better for yourself.